According to the Point of Purchase Agency International, over 60% of all sales are accomplished through the use of retail display solutions, the rest of the percentages fall on a need-based approach of accessibility, price comparison and variety.
Shelving may seem like the simplest part of the installation or the utilization of space in the display of your products, but keep in mind that retail displays are meant to:
Reduce the decision-making time for purchases
Introduce the value of choice and variety for the customer
Attract customers to new products
In regard to these considerations, you need to engage in a professional service that will respond to your needs and deliver the outlook that is worthy your appeal and your bottom line. Professional shelving and retail display solutions allow for:
Timely initialized installations
Full consideration of all the factors that affect your bottom line
Presentation of the latest and most competitive designs
The process can be fairly complex, depending on your range of products or industry, but the bottom line for all remains the same. What you need to consider when you are starting off on a new establishment is that the first impression is the most important. Many businesses fail in their startup for many reasons, some of those reasons have to do with how your customers responded to your products, what their impression of your establishment is.
Your hottest and most competitive product should be in the front line of display
The attention you need to gather has to be a joint effort of you display system and your products, a feature that your shelving and display professional services can accomplish
Your customers need to feel that you are not a temporary setup, even when you are. The shelving system needs to give and appeal of permanence and durability
Sophisticated products need complimenting designs
Product offers and rewards need to be incorporated with your design, whether short or long term.
The attention and regard your product will have to your customers is only as good as your retail display solutions:
Studies show that your customers will pay more for products that are displayed better
The features of your products are what describe their usefulness to the customer's needs, well displayed products offer a convincing edge
If you are just starting off, an exceptional and innovative design will get the required attention from potential customers, even those glancing through your outlet window
With a clear strategy, a good display system will appreciate the value of each product and present the location, display type and appeal that will bring the required attention. Arranging and categorizing is appreciated by the retail display solutions by varying the outlook to garner fresh attention and intrigue.
Good shelving systems promote the product rather than their own sophistication.
Getting the right retail design solution to work for you is an asset, especially solutions that compliment your business strategy; those that present your product to your customers in the most appealing way. Dependable solutions give you more than the 60% closure rate on sales, allowing you to focus on other avenues of marketing to maximize on sales and profitability.
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