Shelf Obsessed

Average Timeline for Pharmacy Shelving Design Projects

Written by Robert Walthall | Wed, Mar, 05, 2014 @ 03:30 PM

Need to do a remodel of your pharmacy, but worried about how this will affect business? Don't be. Most pharmacy shelving design projects can be structured so that even major renovations can be done without much if any business interruption.

What's the average timeline for pharmacy shelving design projects?

The average timeline can vary, depending on what you need to do. Some projects, like changing your layout, can be done overnight. Regardless, even major pharmacy renovation projects can usually be done in stages so that you can stay open while construction is underway.

Small projects you can do in a weekend or even overnight

  • HIPAA compliance

For a basic pharmacy redesign that will bring you into compliance with new HIPAA regulations, invest in new pharmacy shelving and fixtures with secure features like locking cabinets that will keep patients' PHI protected.

  • Change your look with new pharmacy shelving and fixtures

Do you want to replace your "institutional" look with a more aesthetically pleasing one? Replace old pharmacy shelving and fixtures with new. Experiment with different materials, colors and styles.

  • Change your layout

Rearrange pharmacy shelving and fixtures into new configurations. Experiment with traffic flow; most people come in, look left and then walk right, so establish a counterclockwise pathway through your store that makes it easy to access departments, and the pharmacy counter, without impeding customers' shopping progress.

  • Add some new flooring and paint your walls

Replace institutional tiling with more aesthetically pleasing floor coverings like carpet and manufactured or real wood flooring. Arrange to have flooring put in after hours to avoid any inconveniences during normal business hours.

  • Add some soft indirect and focal lighting

Replace harsh overhead fluorescent lighting both with focal lighting (to draw attention to displays) and softer, more indirect lighting. This construction may hours require a brief closing, or can be done during "after business" hours. Utilize existing overhead fixtures but replace standard fluorescent lights with full spectrum lights for a quick but effective change.

Managing major construction: Can you stay open during it?

If you need to completely remodel your store such that major construction is going to be a necessity, you can stay open during it – with some planning.

  • Plan ahead

Before you begin the work, sit down with your contractor and plan the construction project out in stages in a way that will minimize any disruption. Get input from staff and employees as applicable and determine a proper phasing schedule to complete each part of the project as it goes along so as to disrupt business as little as possible.

  • Do as much work as possible after hours

As with the small projects described above, it may be possible to do much of the construction work during "off peak," after business hours. Customers may still have to deal with construction-related inconveniences to some extent during business hours (parts of store inaccessible), they won't actually have to deal with the dust and noise of construction if you can schedule most (or all) of it when your store is closed.

  • Provide plenty of signage

Your store's layout will be disrupted somewhat during major construction, so provide plenty of signage that will guide customers through your store.

  • Communicate with customers

Apologize for the construction inconvenience and explain that it's temporary, and will result in great improvements once complete. They'll be much more understanding about the temporary inconvenience if they know you appreciate their patience -- and that they'll experience significant benefits afterward.

Pharmacy shelving design projects needn't disrupt business. A little careful planning will ensure that you can continue to serve customers even during major redesigns.