You can definitely use the information acquired through various psychological studies on sales to bolster your pharmacy's bottom line, and a great place to start is with your front-end pharmacy shelving design and installation. One recent report shows that more than half the shoppers coming into a retail environment, such as a drugstore, will not return if they don't like the store's aesthetics. In a drugstore, a good deal of the aesthetics come down to the design and placement of the pharmacy shelving and fixtures, so this should be a major indication of the need to study and plan ahead when deciding how to outfit your store with shelves and fixtures that will be pleasing in your customer's view. Shelves are not just something you use to place products!
That same study found that 93% of shoppers' purchasing decisions are based on visual appearance. Visual appearance includes everything the customer sees, from the moment they step into your store, and as you may have heard, you never get a second chance to make a first impression! While you need to consider wall colors, lighting, flooring and signage as part of the visual appearance package, nothing trumps the design and placement of your shelving and other fixtures in importance. After all, they make up the bulk of your store's floor space.
Your shelving is of prime importance and should be considered so from the very beginning of any pharmacy build or remodel. Here are some other factors to support this idea:
Planning ahead with your pharmacy shelving is a must to avoid blocking electrical outlets and emergency exits. Shelves can also be used to create moveable walls, saving on the construction of permanent walls. Best practice dictates factoring in your shelf design and placement from the start in your planning phase. It just makes good sense.