Properly placed, the gondola shelving used in the center area of the store can guide your customers along a prearranged footpath that allows them to view the maximum number of departments as they make their way from the front entrance to the rear of the store where you've located some of your most popular items and the prescription drop-off counter. These shelves are used to create aisles and can act as temporary, movable walls and even enhance security by allowing staff to easily keep an eye on shoppers.
The pharmacy shelving used in your store's front end should be functional at organizing your sales merchandise and also aesthetically pleasing to your visitors, utilizing psychological principles proven to encourage customers to interact with your merchandising displays and to be tempted to make purchases.
In the back end, the purpose of the shelves you have installed is to contain your stocks safely and securely and to be set up in ways that are designed to improve back-end organization and workflow. Unlike in the front merchandising area where shelves should ideally be no higher than head height, in the back end they can be higher and need not be necessarily attractive as much as being geared toward functional utility.
Although prescription medication sales is likely the major revenue producer in your pharmacy, the successful sale of non-prescription medicines and other front-end merchandise is vital if you're going to keep your customers coming back and have them leave the store with more than just their prescriptions in hand. Setting up your display shelves and other display fixtures with this in mind, you should:
Your pharmacy shelving is the backbone of your store with everything else built around it. Go for quality fixtures and your customers will know you care about quality. Good-looking displays promote increased sales, which remains the ultimate goal.