Electronic prescribing, or e-prescribing, is simply a way to transmit prescriptions through automatic data entry with software and a transmission network. Ideally, it can greatly reduce prescription errors and streamline the prescribing process.
Electronic Prescribing: What Is It and How Will It Affect Pharmacy Management?
Posted by Robert Walthall on Sat, Mar, 07, 2015 @ 08:00 AM
Topics: pharmacy management
Minimizing Distractions Can Improve Pharmacy Workflow
Posted by Robert Walthall on Tue, Mar, 03, 2015 @ 08:00 AM
As an independent pharmacist, it happens. You get distracted at work, even while you're filling prescriptions. A customer needs something, the phone rings, or an important medication question can't wait. One study found that as you or your technicians are dispensing medications, you might be interrupted or distracted as often as every two minutes.
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The Affordable Care Act and Expanded Pharmacy Services: Are You Prepared?
Posted by Robert Walthall on Fri, Feb, 27, 2015 @ 08:00 AM
As an independent pharmacist, you have always taken care of your patients, providing personal care and attention with medication advice, proper dosing, and other services as required.
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Tighter HIPAA Regulations May Require Some Pharmacy Shelving Upgrades
Posted by Robert Walthall on Wed, Feb, 25, 2015 @ 08:00 AM
By now you should have implemented the new, more restrictive HIPAA regulations that took effect in September 2013. If you haven't and fail to do so, you could face significant fines. The future in pharmacy continues to evolve, and these and other developments, like the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, will continue to impact the industry.
These new regulations more stringently protect patient privacy and personal health information. You'll implement necessary protocols to ensure those protections, and as part of that you may need to invest in some new pharmacy shelving and fixtures that will provide more security.
Topics: HIPAA regulations
Control Costs with the Right Pharmacy Shelving and Fixtures
Posted by Robert Walthall on Fri, Feb, 13, 2015 @ 08:30 AM
If your pharmacy budget is tight, you can still upgrade pharmacy shelving and fixtures as necessary. You can comply with recent industry changes and new rulings – and refresh your look if you need to, as well. All it takes is some proper planning.
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Make Sure Customers See Your Merchandise Displays: Use Proper Flow With Retail Shelving
Posted by Robert Walthall on Wed, Feb, 11, 2015 @ 08:00 AM
Think about your store's current layout for a minute. Can your customers see everything you have to offer without difficulty as they walk through the store? Do they complain that they can't find what they need? Would you like to make sure customers don't miss anything – a great sale, a hot item, or even just that staple they really need and can't find?
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Make Space Count in Small Store with Efficient Retail Shelving
Posted by Robert Walthall on Sat, Feb, 07, 2015 @ 08:00 AM
If your retail store is quite small, you might find it difficult to create displays that truly do their job. In a small space, large displays can actually make customers feel claustrophobic.
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Why the Right Retail Shelving Is So Important to Your Store Layout
Posted by Robert Walthall on Thu, Feb, 05, 2015 @ 08:00 AM
What does your retail shelving do for you? If you think it displays your merchandise neatly and efficiently so that your customers can find it, you'd be right – but it can do a lot more than that. It can actually help you both create and optimize your store layout.
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New Pharmacy Shelving Can Help You Meet Recent Industry Challenges
Posted by Robert Walthall on Tue, Feb, 03, 2015 @ 08:45 AM
You know that doing what is best for your customers must always be at the forefront for you, the independent pharmacist. That is just one way that makes you better than retail chains.
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Today's Retail Shelving is Better Than Ever
Posted by Robert Walthall on Sat, Jan, 31, 2015 @ 08:30 AM
Take a look at your shelving inventory. Has much of it has seen better days? Is it old, chipped – even rickety?
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